If you are looking for a coconut fragrance that DOES not discolour to brown this is the one! It stays true in soap, does not acellerate or go brown. I make mine with a little titanium dioxide but I'm sure this would be ok left with no colour at all. I have, in the past, made this with some tropical coloured stripes at the bottom made in layers, then the white poured on the top. The fragrance allows you enough time to do swirls if you'd rather do that.
Natures Garden scent description: With this fragrance oil by Natures Garden, you won't fall victim to the winter-time blues this season. Coconut Cabana fragrance oil will keep your mood happy and sunny! Coconut Cabana is a combination of just the right notes of cocoa butter and tropical fruits.
To my nose this smells like straight up creamy coconut with hints of fruit but the fruit is hardly detectable. Perfect pour, no ricing. I used the fragrance at 1.9% of my oil weight but you can go to 3.1% according to the Natures Garden website.
To get some of this for yourself click here